Amirah Adara

“You suck a cock for me!” I had always fantasized about a hot girl making me suck cock, I agreed enthusiastically, which she thought was quite humorous. We went into a men’s bathroom she told me “first guy that walks in you blow” I agreed, now extremely nervous, but the sight of her ass gave me courage. After 10 minutes or so the door opened. I was glad to see a complete stranger. He was an average guy, about 5’10” and slightly chubby. I explained that I would give him a blowjob and that this. ” I sighed. “You are my love and my life,” I told her. “I will do whatever you want me to do.” She shook her head slowly again. “It won’t work like that, Eric. We have to do this together, just like we decided to be together, to make a life, to become the unified entity that we have created.” “Shania,” I began. “I know,” she grinned. “I love you, too.” “You’re still doing that,” I whined. “So are you,” she grinned brightly. “Every time you say my name I hear you say ‘I love you.’ I like it.”. Rồi một hôm khi em về phòng trọ của bạn ấy ngủ trưa bạn ấy đă hôn lên má em. Em không biết hành động đó là gì nhưng em nghĩ đó là cử chỉ thể hiện sự yêu quý và cũng chẳng hại gì nên em chỉ cười. Có những lúc bạn ấy nhìn em rất lâu, nhìn một cách ngây dại. Lúc đó em cũng chưa hiểu chuyện gì cả. Nhưng sau đó mọi chuyện đã vượt quá tầm kiểm soát của em. Bạn ấy không chỉ hôn em mà còn làm nhiều thứ khác, những việc mà chỉ con trai làm với con gái mà thôi. Lúc này em đã ngờ ngợ ra bạn ấy là ai, em. Oh fuck......I'mcummmmmmmmming" He screamed at the top of his lungs. And with that hepushed his cock deeper in my hole and let it drain into my ass. I wasstill eating the last drops of cum leaking out the head of my cock that wasstill perfectly positioned right above my head. We laid there for a while, he kissed me and said. "Little dude, your have a hot little ass, and I love fucking you" "Well you know where I am, anytime you feel horny, just make sureMom and Dad don't catch.
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